Where's the Teacher?

"Change society's attitude to the teaching profession"

It was indeed an article which expresses the feelings of a teacher.
Very true that all the sectors are facing recession except one sector
that has weathered the storm that is school education.
Though there are number of institutions that are mushrooming but
the demand and supply of good and qualified teachers is never ever
going to be met.

We need to know the importance of dedicated teachers .The pitiful
state of affairs also has much to do with the way we as a nation view
the teaching profession .We as educated people can bring about a
change in the way this noble profession is looked upon.
Teachers need to know their role in molding a child , the parents also
need to recognize and appreciate the teacher's efforts.
The school days i.e. the tender age is the the most susceptible age
where the teacher leaves an ever lasting impression on the tender minds.

This the person needs to realize and for this, one requires to be very creative .
Since teaching is the least recognized profession and also that it is
considered the domain of the 'bored' or 'failed' no person will choose this
as a profession unless Teachers get a respectable place along with the other
professionals like Doctors,Engineers,lawyers etc;
What we need to do.
1) Professional teacher Training centers where teachers
are trained for
appropriate classes.(Not like the ones we presently have around)
2) Teachers salaries also need to be on par with that of
an executive.
3) A professional approach towards teaching needs to be
recognized and appreciated.
More and more Private institutions should be encouraged to venture
into the education field, especially the big industry houses as they will be able
to bring about a change in the syllabus as per the requirements of the industry .
This will also enable more and more people getting attracted towards education
as a necessity.Education needs to be revolutionized.
The Role of the head of an institution also plays a great part in molding
the child's future.We have very few institutions which can boost of well qualified
heads.It is again a failure on part of the system that we have been following since
ages. We need to have good institutions where the Heads can undergo training on
par with IIT'S and IIM'S.
Hoping there will be a revolution in our system before we loose the recognition
and the status of a knowledgeable country.


very very true... I hope to see this change coming in fast... youngsters like us must get into this field.....and promote it...
vineeta said…
I agree ......one of the most popular thought about teachers is that they are failed professionals.........."its like chalo kuch nai hua to teacher ban jayegenge"which is really pathetic.
arati said…
Hi Everyone,
It has been a great blogging and more so receiving the comments.There are great many ideas that are coming to mind , which I would certainly like to share with You all.

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